Subversion 有许多特性, 选项和华而不实的高级功能,但日常的工作中你只使用其中的一小部分,在这一节里,我们会介绍许多你在日常工作中常用的命令。
Update your working copy. This involves the use of the svn update command.
Make your changes. The most common changes that you'll make are edits to the contents of your existing files. But sometimes you need to add, remove, copy and move files and directories—the svn add, svn delete, svn copy, and svn move commands handle those sorts of structural changes within the working copy.
Review your changes. The svn status and svn diff commands are critical to reviewing the changes you've made in your working copy.
Fix your mistakes. Nobody's perfect, so as you review your changes, you may spot something that's not quite right. Sometimes the easiest way to fix a mistake is start all over again from scratch. The svn revert command restores a file or directory to its unmodified state.
Resolve any conflicts (merge others' changes). In the time it takes you to make and review your changes, others might have made and published changes, too. You'll want to integrate their changes into your working copy to avoid the potential out-of-dateness scenarios when you attempt to publish your own. Again, the svn update command is the way to do this. If this results in local conflicts, you'll need to resolve those using the svn resolve command.
Publish (commit) your changes. The svn commit command transmits your changes to the repository where, if they are accepted, they create the newest versions of all the things you modified. Now others can see your work, too!
When working on a project that is being modified via multiple working copies, you'll want to update your working copy to receive any changes committed from other working copies since your last update. These might be changes that other members of your project team have made, or they might simply be changes you've made yourself from a different computer. To protect your data, Subversion won't allow you commit new changes to out-of-date files and directories, so it's best to have the latest versions of all your project's files and directories before making new changes of your own.
Use svn update to bring your working copy into sync with the latest revision in the repository:
$ svn update U foo.c U bar.c Updated to revision 2. $
When the server sends changes to your working copy via svn
update, a letter code is displayed next to each item to let you
know what actions Subversion performed to bring your working copy up to
date. To find out what these letters mean, run svn help
or see svn update (up).
Now you can get to work and make changes in your working copy. You can make two kinds of changes to your working copy: file changes and tree changes. You don't need to tell Subversion that you intend to change a file; just make your changes using your text editor, word processor, graphics program, or whatever tool you would normally use. Subversion automatically detects which files have been changed, and in addition, it handles binary files just as easily as it handles text files—and just as efficiently, too. Tree changes are different, and involve changes to a directory's structure. Such changes include adding and removing files, renaming files or directories, and copying files or directories to new locations. For tree changes, you use Subversion operations to “schedule” files and directories for removal, addition, copying, or moving. These changes may take place immediately in your working copy, but no additions or removals will happen in the repository until you commit them.
下面是 Subversion 用来修改目录树结构的五个最常用的子命令。
svn add FOO
Use this to schedule the file, directory, or symbolic link
to be added to the repository. When you next
commit, FOO
will become a child of its parent
directory. Note that if FOO
is a directory, everything
underneath FOO
will be scheduled for addition. If you
want only to add FOO
itself, pass the
svn delete FOO
Use this to schedule the file, directory, or symbolic link
to be deleted from the repository. If
is a file or link, it is immediately deleted from
your working copy. If FOO
is a directory, it is not
deleted, but Subversion schedules it for deletion. When you commit your
changes, FOO
will be entirely removed from your working
copy and the repository.[6]
svn copy FOO BAR
Create a new item BAR
as a duplicate of
and automatically schedule BAR
for addition. When BAR
is added to the repository on
the next commit, its copy history is recorded (as having originally come
from FOO
). svn copy does not create
intermediate directories unless you pass the --parents
svn move FOO BAR
This command is exactly the same as running svn copy FOO BAR; svn
delete FOO
. That is, BAR
is scheduled for
addition as a copy of FOO
, and FOO
is scheduled for removal. svn move does not create
intermediate directories unless you pass the --parents
svn mkdir FOO
This command is exactly the same as running mkdir FOO; svn add
. That is, a new directory named FOO
created and scheduled for addition.
Once you've finished making changes, you need to commit them to the repository, but before you do so, it's usually a good idea to take a look at exactly what you've changed. By examining your changes before you commit, you can compose a more accurate log message (a human-readable description of the committed changes stored alongside those changes in the repository). You may also discover that you've inadvertently changed a file, and that you need to undo that change before committing. Additionally, this is a good opportunity to review and scrutinize changes before publishing them. You can see an overview of the changes you've made by using the svn status command, and you can dig into the details of those changes by using the svn diff command.
To get an overview of your changes, use the svn status command. You'll probably use svn status more than any other Subversion command.
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提示 |
Because the cvs status command's output was so noisy, and because cvs update not only performs an update, but also reports the status of your local changes, most CVS users have grown accustomed to using cvs update to report their changes. In Subversion, the update and status reporting facilities are completely separate. See 第 4 节 “区分状态和更新” for more details. |
If you run svn status
at the top of your working copy
with no additional arguments, it will detect and report all file and tree
changes you've made.
$ svn status ? scratch.c A stuff/loot A stuff/loot/new.c D stuff/old.c M bar.c $
In its default output mode, svn status prints seven columns of characters, followed by several whitespace characters, followed by a file or directory name. The first column tells the status of a file or directory and/or its contents. Some of the most common codes that svn status displays are:
? item
The file, directory, or symbolic link item
is not under
version control.
A item
预定加入到版本库的文件, 目录或符号链的item
C item
文件 item
D item
文件, 目录或是符号链item
M item
如果你传递一个路径给svn status,它只给你这个项目的信息:
$ svn status stuff/fish.c D stuff/fish.c
$ svn status -v M 44 23 sally README 44 30 sally INSTALL M 44 20 harry bar.c 44 18 ira stuff 44 35 harry stuff/trout.c D 44 19 ira stuff/fish.c 44 21 sally stuff/things A 0 ? ? stuff/things/bloo.h 44 36 harry stuff/things/gloo.c
这是 svn status 的“长形式”。第一列的含义不变,第二列显示工作版本号。第三列和第四列显示最后一次修改的版本号和修改者。
None of the prior invocations to svn status contact the
repository—they merely report what is known about the working copy
items based on the records stored in the working copy administrative area
and on the timestamps and contents of modified files. But sometimes it is
useful to see which of the items in your working copy have been modified in
the repository since the last time you updated your working copy. For this,
svn status offers the --show-updates
) option, which contacts the repository and adds
information about items that are out of date:
$ svn status -u -v M * 44 23 sally README M 44 20 harry bar.c * 44 35 harry stuff/trout.c D 44 19 ira stuff/fish.c A 0 ? ? stuff/things/bloo.h Status against revision: 46
Notice in the previous example the two asterisks: if you were to run
svn update
at this point, you would receive changes
and trout.c
. This tells
you some very useful information—because one of those items is also
one that you have locally modified (the file README
you'll need to update and get the servers changes for that file before you
commit, or the repository will reject your commit for being out of date. We
discuss this in more detail later.
svn status can display much more information about the
files and directories in your working copy than we've shown here—for
an exhaustive description of svn status and its output,
run svn help status
or see svn status (stat, st).
Another way to examine your changes is with the svn diff
command, which displays differences in file content. When you run
svn diff
at the top of your working copy with no
arguments, Subversion will print the changes you've made to human-readable
files in your working copy. It displays those changes in unified
diff format, a format which describes changes as
“hunks” (or “snippets”) of a file's content where
each line of text is prefixed with a single-character code: a space, which
means the line was unchanged; a minus sign (-
), which
means the line was removed from the file; or a plus sign
), which means the line was added to the file. In the
context of svn diff, those minus-sign- and
plus-sign-prefixed lines show how the lines looked before and after your
modifications, respectively.
$ svn diff Index: bar.c =================================================================== --- bar.c (revision 3) +++ bar.c (working copy) @@ -1,7 +1,12 @@ +#include <sys/types.h> +#include <sys/stat.h> +#include <unistd.h> + +#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { - printf("Sixty-four slices of American Cheese...\n"); + printf("Sixty-five slices of American Cheese...\n"); return 0; } Index: README =================================================================== --- README (revision 3) +++ README (working copy) @@ -193,3 +193,4 @@ +Note to self: pick up laundry. Index: stuff/fish.c =================================================================== --- stuff/fish.c (revision 1) +++ stuff/fish.c (working copy) -Welcome to the file known as 'fish'. -Information on fish will be here soon. Index: stuff/things/bloo.h =================================================================== --- stuff/things/bloo.h (revision 8) +++ stuff/things/bloo.h (working copy) +Here is a new file to describe +things about bloo.
The svn diff command produces this output by comparing your working files against its pristine text-base. Files scheduled for addition are displayed as files in which every line was added; files scheduled for deletion are displayed as if every line was removed from those files. The output from svn diff is compatible with the patch program. The patch program reads and applies patch files (or “patches”), which are files that describe differences made to one or more files. Because of this, you can share the changes you've made in your working copy with someone else without first committing those changes by creating a patch file from the redirected output of svn diff:
$ svn diff > patchfile $
Subversion uses its internal diff engine, which produces unified diff
format, by default. If you want diff output in a different format, specify
an external diff program using --diff-cmd
and pass any
additional flags that it needs via the --extensions
) option. For example, you might want Subversion to
defer its difference calculation and display to the GNU
diff program, asking that program to print local
modifications made to the file foo.c
in context diff
format (another flavor of difference format) while ignoring changes made
only to the case of the letters used in the file's contents:
$ svn diff --diff-cmd /usr/bin/diff -x "-i" foo.c … $
Suppose while viewing the output of svn diff you
determine that all the changes you made to a particular file are mistakes.
Maybe you shouldn't have changed the file at all, or perhaps it would be
easier to make different changes starting from scratch. You could edit the
file again and unmake all those changes. You could try to find a copy of
how the file looked before you changed it, and then copy its contents atop
your modified version. You could attempt to apply those changes to the file
again in reverse using patch -R
. And there are
probably other approaches you could take.
Fortunately in Subversion, undoing your work and starting over from scratch doesn't require such acrobatics. Just use the svn revert command:
$ svn status README M README $ svn revert README Reverted 'README' $ svn status README $
In this example, Subversion has reverted the file to its premodified state by overwriting it with the pristine version of the file cached in the text-base area. But note that svn revert can undo any scheduled operation—for example, you might decide that you don't want to add a new file after all:
$ svn status new-file.txt ? new-file.txt $ svn add new-file.txt A new-file.txt $ svn revert new-file.txt Reverted 'new-file.txt' $ svn status new-file.txt ? new-file.txt $
$ svn status README $ svn delete README D README $ svn revert README Reverted 'README' $ svn status README $
The svn revert command offers salvation for imperfect people. It can save you huge amounts of time and energy that would otherwise be spent manually unmaking changes or, worse, disposing of your working copy and checking out a fresh one just to have a clean slate to work with again.
We've already seen how svn status -u
can predict
conflicts, but dealing with those conflicts is still something that remains
to be done. Conflicts can occur any time you attempt to merge or integrate
(in a very general sense) changes from the repository into your working
copy. By now you know that svn update creates exactly
that sort of scenario—that command's very purpose is to bring your
working copy up to date with the repository by merging all the changes made
since your last update into your working copy. So how does Subversion
report these conflicts to you, and how do you deal with them?
Suppose you run svn update
and you see this sort of
interesting output:
$ svn update U INSTALL G README Conflict discovered in 'bar.c'. Select: (p) postpone, (df) diff-full, (e) edit, (mc) mine-conflict, (tc) theirs-conflict, (s) show all options:
The U
(which stands for
“Updated”) and G
“merGed”) codes are no cause for concern; those files cleanly
absorbed changes from the repository. A file marked with
contains no local changes but was updated
with changes from the repository. One marked with
had local changes to begin with, but the
changes coming from the repository didn't overlap with those local changes.
It's the next few lines which are interesting. First, Subversion reports to
you that in its attempt to merge outstanding server changes into the file
, it has detected that some of those changes clash
with local modifications you've made to that file in your working copy but
have not yet committed. Perhaps someone has changed the same line of text
you also changed. Whatever the reason, Subversion instantly flags this file
as being in a state of conflict. It then asks you what you want to do about
the problem, allowing you to interactively choose an action to take toward
resolving the conflict. The most commonly used options are displayed, but
you can see all of the options by typing s
… Select: (p) postpone, (df) diff-full, (e) edit, (mc) mine-conflict, (tc) theirs-conflict, (s) show all options: s (e) edit - change merged file in an editor (df) diff-full - show all changes made to merged file (r) resolved - accept merged version of file (dc) display-conflict - show all conflicts (ignoring merged version) (mc) mine-conflict - accept my version for all conflicts (same) (tc) theirs-conflict - accept their version for all conflicts (same) (mf) mine-full - accept my version of entire file (even non-conflicts) (tf) theirs-full - accept their version of entire file (same) (p) postpone - mark the conflict to be resolved later (l) launch - launch external tool to resolve conflict (s) show all - show this list Select: (p) postpone, (df) diff-full, (e) edit, (mc) mine-conflict, (tc) theirs-conflict, (s) show all options:
(e) edit
(df) diff-full
(r) resolved
完成文件编辑之后,通知 svn 你已经解决了文件的冲突,它应该接受当前的内容—从本质上讲就是你已经“解决了”冲突。
(dc) display-conflict
Display all conflicting regions of the file, ignoring changes which were successfully merged.
(mc) mine-conflict
Discard any newly received changes from the server which conflict with your local changes to the file under review. However, accept and merge all non-conflicting changes received from the server for that file.
(tc) theirs-conflict
Discard any local changes which conflict with incoming changes from the server for the file under review. However, preserve all non-conflicting local changes to that file.
(mf) mine-full
Discard all newly received changes from the server for the file under review, but preserve all your local changes for that file.
(tf) theirs-full
Discard all your local changes to the file under review and use only the newly received changes from the server for that file.
(p) postpone
(l) launch
(s) show all
Before deciding how to attack a conflict interactively, odds are that you'd
like to see exactly what is in conflict. Two of the commands available at
the interactively conflict resolution prompt can assist you here. The first
is the “diff-full” command (df
), which
displays all the local modifications to the file in question plus any
conflict regions:
… Select: (p) postpone, (df) diff-full, (e) edit, (mc) mine-conflict, (tc) theirs-conflict, (s) show all options: df --- .svn/text-base/sandwich.txt.svn-base Tue Dec 11 21:33:57 2007 +++ .svn/tmp/tempfile.32.tmp Tue Dec 11 21:34:33 2007 @@ -1 +1,5 @@ -Just buy a sandwich. +<<<<<<< .mine +Go pick up a cheesesteak. +======= +Bring me a taco! +>>>>>>> .r32 …
The first line of the diff content shows the previous contents of the
working copy (the BASE
revision), the next content line
is your change, and the last content line is the change that was just
received from the server (usually the
The second command is similar to the first, but the
“display-conflict” (dc
) command shows
only the conflict regions, not all the changes made to the file.
Additionally, this command uses a slightly different display format for the
conflict regions which allows you to more easily compare the file's contents
in those regions as they would appear in each of three states: original and
unedited; with your local changes applied and the server's conflicting
changes ignored; and with only the server's incoming changes applied and
your local, conflicting changes reverted.
After reviewing the information provided by these commands, you're ready to move on to the next action.
There are several different ways to resolve conflicts interactively—two of which allow you to selectively merge and edit changes, the rest of which allow you to simply pick a version of the file and move along.
If you wish to choose some combination of your local changes, you can use
the “edit” command (e
) to manually edit
the file with conflict markers in a text editor (configured per the
instructions in 第 3 节 “使用外置编辑器”). After
you've edited the file, if you're satisfied with the changes you've made,
you can tell Subversion that the edited file is no longer in conflict by
using the “resolve” command (r
Regardless of what your local Unix snob will likely tell you, editing the
file by hand in your favorite text editor is a somewhat low-tech way of
remedying conflicts (see 第 4.5.4 节 “手工合并冲突”
for a walkthrough). For this reason, Subversion provides the
“launch” resolution command (l
) to fire
up a fancy graphical merge tool instead (see 第 4.3 节 “External merge”).
如果你决定不需要合并任何变更,而只是接受某个版本的文件,你可以通过 “mine-full”
)选择你的修改(也称为 “mine”)或使用
“theirs-full” 命令(tf
Finally, there is also a pair of compromise options available. The
“mine-conflict” (mc
) and
“theirs-conflict” (tc
) commands instruct
Subversion to select your local changes or the server's incoming changes,
respectively, as the “winner” for all conflicts in the file.
But, unlike the “mine-full” and “theirs-full”
commands, these commands preserve both your local changes and changes
received from the server in regions of the file where no conflict was
This may sound like an appropriate section for avoiding marital
disagreements, but it's actually still about Subversion, so read on. If
you're doing an update and encounter a conflict that you're not prepared to
review or resolve, you can type p
to postpone
resolving a conflict on a file-by-file basis when you run svn
. If you know in advance that you don't want to resolve
any conflicts interactively, you can pass the
option to svn update,
and any file in conflict will be marked with a
The C
(for “Conflicted”) means
that the changes from the server overlapped with your own, and now you have
to manually choose between them after the update has completed. When you
postpone a conflict resolution, svn typically does three
things to assist you in noticing and resolving that conflict:
Subversion 在更新时打印 C
使用 svn:mime-type
属性来决定一个文件是否可以使用基于上下文的,以行为基础的合并,更多信息可以参见第 4.1 节 “文件内容类型”。)
This is the file as it existed in your working copy before you began the
update process. It contains any local modifications you had made to the
file up to that point. (If Subversion considers the file to be unmergeable,
the .mine
file isn't created, since it would be
identical to the working file.)
This is the file as it existed in the BASE
revision—that is, the unmodified revision of the file in your working
copy before you began the update process—where
is that base revision number.
This is the file that your Subversion client just received from the server
via the update of your working copy, where NEWREV
corresponds to the revision number to which you were updating
, unless otherwise requested).
举一个例子,Sally 修改了 sandwich.txt
提交了他对这个文件的修改。Sally 在提交之前更新她的工作副本,得到了冲突,她选择了延迟解决冲突:
$ svn update Conflict discovered in 'sandwich.txt'. Select: (p) postpone, (df) diff-full, (e) edit, (mc) mine-conflict, (tc) theirs-conflict, (s) show all options: p C sandwich.txt Updated to revision 2. Summary of conflicts: Text conflicts: 1 $ ls -1 sandwich.txt sandwich.txt.mine sandwich.txt.r1 sandwich.txt.r2
在这种情况下,Subversion 不会允许 Sally 提交
$ svn commit -m "Add a few more things" svn: Commit failed (details follow): svn: Aborting commit: '/home/sally/svn-work/sandwich.txt' remains in conflict
如果你延迟解决冲突,你需要在 Subversion 允许你提交你的修改之前解决冲突。你可以通过 svn
resolve 命令和 --accept
如果你希望选择上次检出后修改之前的文件版本,选择 base
如果你希望选择只包含你修改的版本,选择 mine-full
如果你希望选择最近从服务器更新的版本(因此会丢弃你的所有编辑),选择 theirs-full
svn resolve 删除这三个临时文件,使用 --accept
选项指定的文件版本,从而 Subversion 不会再认为文件处于冲突状态。
$ svn resolve --accept working sandwich.txt Resolved conflicted state of 'sandwich.txt'
这里一个简单的例子。由于不良的交流,你和同事 Sally 同时编辑了 sandwich.txt
提交了修改,当你准备更新你的工作副本时,冲突发生了,你不得不去修改 sandwich.txt
$ cat sandwich.txt Top piece of bread Mayonnaise Lettuce Tomato Provolone <<<<<<< .mine Salami Mortadella Prosciutto ======= Sauerkraut Grilled Chicken >>>>>>> .r2 Creole Mustard Bottom piece of bread
小于号, 等于号和大于号字符串是冲突标记,并不是冲突的数据。你通常要确包这些内容在下次提交之前被删除,前两组冲突标记中间的内容是你在冲突区所做的修改:
<<<<<<< .mine Salami Mortadella Prosciutto =======
后两组冲突标记之间的内容是 Sally 提交的修改:
======= Sauerkraut Grilled Chicken >>>>>>> .r2
Usually you won't want to just delete the conflict markers and Sally's changes—she's going to be awfully surprised when the sandwich arrives and it's not what she wanted. This is where you pick up the phone or walk across the office and explain to Sally that you can't get sauerkraut from an Italian deli.[7] Once you've agreed on the changes you will commit, edit your file and remove the conflict markers:
Top piece of bread Mayonnaise Lettuce Tomato Provolone Salami Mortadella Prosciutto Creole Mustard Bottom piece of bread
现在运行svn resolve,你已经准备好提交修改了:
$ svn resolve --accept working sandwich.txt Resolved conflicted state of 'sandwich.txt' $ svn commit -m "Go ahead and use my sandwich, discarding Sally's edits."
注意 svn resolve 不像我们本章学过的其他命令一样需要参数。在任何情况下,当你认为解决了冲突的时候,需要小心运行svn resolve—一旦删除了临时文件,Subversion 会允许你提交这些文件,即使文件中还存在冲突标记。
记住,如果你修改冲突时感到困惑,你可以参考 Subversion 生成的三个文件—包括你未作更新的文件。你也可以使用三方交互合并工具检查这三个文件。
如果你遇到冲突,决定丢弃你的修改,你可以运行 svn resolve --accept theirs-full
, Subversion
$ svn update Conflict discovered in 'sandwich.txt'. Select: (p) postpone, (df) diff-full, (e) edit, (mc) mine-conflict, (tc) theirs-conflict, (s) show all options: p C sandwich.txt Updated to revision 2. Summary of conflicts: Text conflicts: 1 $ ls sandwich.* sandwich.txt sandwich.txt.mine sandwich.txt.r2 sandwich.txt.r1 $ svn resolve --accept theirs-full sandwich.txt Resolved conflicted state of 'sandwich.txt' $
The svn commit command sends all of your changes to the
repository. When you commit a change, you need to supply a log message
describing your change. Your log message will be attached to the new
revision you create. If your log message is brief, you may wish to supply
it on the command line using the --message
) option:
$ svn commit -m "Corrected number of cheese slices." Sending sandwich.txt Transmitting file data . Committed revision 3.
However, if you've been composing your log message in some other text file
as you work, you may want to tell Subversion to get the message from that
file by passing its filename as the value of the --file
) option:
$ svn commit -F logmsg Sending sandwich.txt Transmitting file data . Committed revision 4.
如果你没有使用 --message
) 选项, Subversion
会自动启动你喜欢的编辑器(参见第 1.3.2 节 “配置”中的
![]() |
提示 |
If you're in your editor writing a commit message and decide that you want to cancel your commit, you can just quit your editor without saving changes. If you've already saved your commit message, simply delete all the text, save again, and then abort: $ svn commit Waiting for Emacs...Done Log message unchanged or not specified (a)bort, (c)ontinue, (e)dit a $ |
$ svn commit -m "Add another rule" Sending rules.txt svn: Commit failed (details follow): svn: File '/sandwich.txt' is out of date …
此刻,你需要运行 svn update
我们已经覆盖了 Subversion 基本的工作周期。Subversion 还有许多其它特性可以管理你的版本库和工作副本,但是只使用前面介绍的命令你就可以进行日常工作了。我们还会覆盖更常用的还算频繁的命令。
[6] Of course, nothing is ever totally deleted from the repository—just
from its HEAD
revision. You may continue to access the
deleted item in previous revisions. Should you desire to resurrect the item
so that it is again present in HEAD
, see 第 3.6 节 “找回删除的项目”.
[7] 如果你向他们询问,他们非常有理由把你带到城外的铁轨上。