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svnadmin recover — 把仓库数据库恢复到一个一致的状态 (该命令只适用于以 bdb 作为后端存储的仓库). 另外, 如果 repos/conf/passwd 不存在, 命令将自动创建一个默认 的密码文件.


svnadmin recover REPOS_PATH


如果你得到一条说明仓库需要复原的错误信息, 就执行这个命令.




$ svnadmin recover /var/svn/repos/ 
Repository lock acquired.
Please wait; recovering the repository may take some time...

Recovery completed.
The latest repos revision is 34.

复原数据库要求获得仓库的排斥性锁. (这是一个 数据库锁, 见 的多种涵义) 如果有其他进程正在访问 仓库, svnadmin recover 将会报错:

$ svnadmin recover /var/svn/repos
svn: E165000: Failed to get exclusive repository access; perhaps another proce
ss such as httpd, svnserve or svn has it open?

选项 --wait 使得 svnadmin recover 会一直等到其他进程不再访问仓库为止:

$ svnadmin recover /var/svn/repos --wait
Waiting on repository lock; perhaps another process has it open?

### time goes by…

Repository lock acquired.
Please wait; recovering the repository may take some time...

Recovery completed.
The latest repos revision is 34.